Sunday, January 25, 2009


After watching and re-watching the various videos, my first response was wow! There are a vast array of precautions one must adhere to in order to remain safe. With the numerous and almost unlimited educational benefits the Internet has to offer, it is just a shame that, in reference to our children, they are treated like little sheep only waiting to be preyed upon by hungry wolves.

I guess in an ideal world there would be no need for all the do's and don'ts. But we don't live in an ideal world do we. Taking a more positive perspective, I found the videos to be extremely entertaining, while at the same time provided some very informative and indispensable guidelines to follow. Being the father of two curious minors, living in a "hip hop" generation, I particularly found the [Internet Safety II and Know the Rules] videos to be spot on in delivering a memorable message to their targeted audience [minors]. I actually invited my sons to watch the videos with me.

Kudos goes out to the [Internet Safety] video as well, which appears to be tailored more towards teens. The plain/straight talk guidelines and the various help links presented delivered a loud and clear message: If you feel threatened, take appropriate actionable steps -Tell a family member, teacher, counselor...

In closing, enjoy the Internet. The pros far out weigh the cons. To borrow the title from one of the videos with a little addition, "Know and Follow the Rules".

1 comment:

  1. Glad that you (and your family) enjoyed the videos.

    Thanks for posting!
